Tuesday 5 October 2010

Letter to an editorial

Hello there everybody!
This time we will do a practical, real, necessary exercise!
Most courses have already reached a listening exercise in class where you probably found that the recording is suddenly silent... there is an error in the original copy of the CD of our book: Total English Intermediate, Part A, CD Part A, Track 24, which corresponds to Unit 3, Communication, for Activity 2. When Speaker 2 is speaking, you will see that his voice is interrupted.
Was there a recording problem? Is it only the copy that we received in Argentina? We have no idea.
That´s why, our exercise today is to write a letter to the editorial of the book (and we will really send it to them!) and tell them about the problem we have found.
So, write a letter to the Editorial, approximately 120 words, tell them what the problem is, and you may ask for a possible solution. Send me the letter to solibarrav@gmail.com so I can check it out and send it! :) You may work in pairs or individually.

Deadline: October 15th